Sacha Goldberger was born in 1968 to a Norman father and a Jewish mother Hungarian. He was raised in a family where we shifted did nothing like everyone else. After missing a superhero career, he became successively Rock Star, SpongeBob, president for 21 years as a finish at CLM BBDO creative agency in Philippe Michel. He worked at CLM BBDO, Euro RSCG, Publicis, Enjoy Scher Lafarge, Young and Rubicam, TBWA with campaigns for Dunlop Shtill, Renault, Eurosport, Dolphin, Andrew, and recently Neuf telecom, Thalys … In January of 2003 to recover 24,582 th woman in his life he has a book he photographed, cut and pasted into a book draft.Book published by Seuil in 2003 (100 000 copies worldwide. Englishman In Threshold and Chronicle, German, Chinese). During 2004 it is bye-bye my love always guillaume Gamain threshold. past two years, Hazan and Clairefontaine devellopent many derivatives books (postcards, notebooks, diaries, heels, a pencil boxes, bags …) In 2005 he wrote and designed a children’s story completely crazy (illustrated by Frederique Morin ) which should be out this year. was released in May 2007 “Made in Love”, a book about the birth (Hoebeke edition)Sacha currently working on a series of photos with her grandmother (2nd prize photographic word), it just make two series of fashion for WAD, and also one for the PIG, at the same time it also leads writing about himself in the third person, so he thinks he is very important.